Category Archives: Windows Phone
Circular Progress Bar in Silverlight
In one project I’m working on for a few months now I got the request to show progress bar in the form of circle – empty circle would mean 0%, and filled circle stands for 100%. It seemed like and interesting challenge, so I think I’ve found the simplest solution to the problem. Let’s build […]

First season of Web User Group
Web User Group is the youngest user group in Croatian MS Community. I’ve founded it in December 2009 with support of Microsoft Croatia. Meetings are scheduled on the third Thursday of each month (except during the summer, in July and August). Web User Group covers wide range of topics in the web-development area, including design, […]
WordPress on SQL Server and SQL Azure
Although I don’t use WordPress on my blog, I find very interesting that now it can store data in SQL Server database, either free SQL Server Express or some advanced version. PHP is still a requirement (I’m pretty sure that this will not change), but now you don’t have to install MySQL database on Windows […]
Silverlight 5 Wishlist
Less than two months ago Silverlight 4 RTW was released and there are no official information about the next version, but I’m pretty sure guys in Redmond are already preparing something cool. If you want to suggest a feature or vote for one, you should check this site. It is the official page for feature […]
Browsers market share in Croatia
Inspired by an article on CNN that claims that IE6 is under 5 percent market share, I’ve looked into web statistics of Croatian sites I have access to. I cannot tell which sites I’m talking about, the important thing is that there are normal, mainstream sites visited by general audience (in comparison to, for example, […]
DoubleClick in Silverlight
As you probably know, Silverlight does not support double click event, not even a single click event on most elements (I think there is an event called Click only on Buttons). Single click can be emulated via MouseLeftButtonDown and MouseLeftButtonUp, but it is wrong to bind it to only one out of these two. “Real” […]
Što je novo u Silverlightu 4? (trening)
[English summary: announcing Silverlight 4 training with hands-on-labs in Varaždin, Croatia.] Sljedeći tjedan u Microsoftovom inovacijskom centru u Varaždinu na rasporedu je trening koji će vam pokazati što sve novoga ima u konačnoj inačici Silverlighta 4. Ideja je proći što više stvari s naglaskom na praktični dio – dan će obilovati raznim hands-on-labovima tako da […]
DORS/CLUC 2010 and Seth Godin event in Zagreb – powered by Wall of Silver
Just a quick photo-reminder of two events that used my twitter wall application to show tweets on the wall. DORS/CLUC 2010 – Open system days / Linux users conference was held on May 5th, on Faculty of electrical engineering and computing in Zagreb, and they’ve used Wall of Silver on a Linux powered notebook, with […]
Najava treninga – PR za geekove
U ožujku sam u Microsoft Innovation Centeru održao prvi ne-tehnički trening u životu. Radilo se o PR-u (public relations) s kojim imam jako puno iskustva, iz to čak iz dva kuta. Prvo kao novinar, čime se bavim već petnaestak godina (posljednjih dvanaest za Bug i Mrežu), te kao poduzetnik koji treba plasirati svoje proizvode i […]
Multi-touch usability “study” with 3-year-old
I’m participating in BizSparkCamp called “Building modern Windows 7 application” here in Croatia as one of the tutors. One of the key modern features in Windows 7 is multi-touch support and I’ve been playing with a multi-touch monitor (Dell SX2210T) for a week now. It’s quite fun, especially with Windows 7 Touch Pack released as […]