Category Archives: Windows Phone
Analog Clock Tile redone as Universal Windows Platform app
Analog Clock Tile, my most popular Windows Phone app has reached its fourth version. It’s completely redone as a Universal Windows Platform app and now it can run on all devices running Windows 10. But that’s not a significant thing per se, there had been phone and desktop versions before – the important thing is […]

What’s the actual screen resolution when developing UWP apps for Windows 10 for Phones?
Several years ago, when Windows Phone appeared, we were all targeting 480×800 resolution. We had exactly 480 pixels of width and 800 pixels of height for our user interface. Then with Windows Phone 8 we got three more resolutions, but in practice – we had only two. The “old” one, and one slightly taller. So […]
DVLUP likes so much it’ll give you 400 points for using it!
My usually helps you beta test your apps. And it’s doing a great job. But, it also offers some very nice perks for its beloved users that bring even more value to the deal. So, not only it’s 100% free, you can actually get something just for using it – 50 US$ from AdDuplex, […] partners with AdDeals Network
AdDeals is a performance-based ad network on the Windows Phone platform and provides both monetization and free 1:1 cross-promotion services to the developer community. Their AppDeals app is a very popular Windows Phone app that helps developers promote exclusive deals on apps. So it made a lot of sense to have them as a partner […]
Analog Clock Tile now supports time zones!
Analog Clock Tile app is finally useful! A new, huge update brought a lot of new features, but the most important one is time zones support! Yes, that means that you can pin a tile to show time in different time zone. Travelers, international workers, folks in long-distance relationship and clock lovers – that’s for […]
Analog Clock Tile goes on a holiday
Don’t worry, I’m not announcing the end of the life for my most popular app, I’m writing this blog post to tell you about a special Holiday Collection of analog clocks for your Windows Phone home screen. Take a look at the screenshot on the right and choose your favorite. Maybe most interesting ones are […]’s new partner myAppFree will help you promote your apps
[If you don’t know what is, read this blog post first. In a nutshell – it’s a free service that helps you manage your Windows Phone beta testing.] People love discounts and free apps. Our new partner, myAppFree knows that. If you have an awesome paid app and want to be promoted inside their […]
Analog Clock Tile, second version
I’ve just released a major update to my most popular app called Analog Clock Tile. This app does one thing, and it does it great – it shows a clock (analog, digital, binary…) on a tile and updates it every minute. And that actually works. Maybe it doesn’t sound like a big deal, but I’ve […] partners with AdDuplex – free coupons for all!
We have given away ten AdDuplex coupons this month to randomly chosen developers that have submitted their apps to, a free service that connects Windows Phone developers with beta testers and helps them manage beta testing. From today, we’re taking this to the next level! AdDuplex and will award every beta app, public […]
Microsoft AppStart Competition for Balkans, Baltic and a few other countries
Good news! There is a competition going on and it’s targeting a lot of countries that usually cannot participate in these kind of stuff. Yes, I’m talking about Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia – and the prizes (Lumias 1320) are per country! All […]