Category Archives: Windows Phone
Naučite programirati za Windows 7 – trening
Microsoftov inovacijski centar u Varaždinu organizira prvi BizSparkCamp u Hrvatskoj i jedan od prvih u svijetu. BizSparkCamp je “niz događanja koji uključuju tehničke aktivnosti i treninge, namijenjen prvenstveno tvrtkama iz BizSpark ekosustava, ali i svim ostalim tvrtkama (nezavisni proizvođači softvera, tvrtke iz WebsiteSpark programa, itd.), koje stvaraju ili se planiraju okušati u razvoju aplikacija koristeći […]

Silverlight projects from Croatia
There are many Silverlight developers in Croatia, but they usually work on some internal / private business application. There are also some public projects that can be viewed by everyone, so I feel it’s important to list them in one place. If you know any other Croatian Silverlight application not listed here, please let me […]
Top 5 Silverlight Blogs to Follow
This post needs no introduction, here is the list of the most important Silverlight blogs out there: Silverlight Team Blog Tim Heuer – program manager for Silverlight Jesse Liberty– senior program manager: Silverlight + WP7 John Papa – senior technical evangelist Silverlight tip of the Day
XD – Electric City Car from Croatia
I’ve been dreaming about XD for a while now – I like electric cars, the idea and the concept, but what I like the most is the fact that it was developed in Croatia. I’ve read a lot about it, but last week on WinDays conference I have finally had an opportunity to see it […]
Top Silverlight features served as a drink
I delivered a Silverlight presentation on WinDays conference last week in Rovinj. I talked about Silverlight in general, naming a few the most important and interesting features, as well as new features introduced in new version, launched the week before. During the presentation, I did a small contest – if you explain me the meaning […]
Wall Of Silver works on Linux
I’ve developed Wall of Silver in Silverlight version 3, and Moonlight (Linux version of Silverlight) supports only a number of features from 3rd version. I wasn’t sure if my Wall of Silver would work on Linux or not. Vladimir Savić gave it a try and announced on Twitter that it does work on Ubuntu 9.10 […]
Silverlight 4 is out!
You probably know that Silverlight 4 RTW (release to web = final version) is out. But you may not know the following: Today is Silverlight’s third birthday – three years ago today the name Silverlight was officially announced (code-name was WPF/E = WPF Everywhere) Silverlight 4 Tools are not RTW yet – they are in […]
Wall of Silver v2 – Twitter wall
It all started about a year ago, on last WinDays conference in Opatija when I had a cup of coffee with guys from Shout’em (that’s how we do business in Croatia :-)). We talked about Silverlight and they asked me to build an application that will show shouts (“tweets” from Shout’em network) on the big […]
Watch Silverlight 4 launch keynote
It has been announced that Silverlight 4 launch keynote will be available on demand here, but currently there are only follow-up talks on Channel 9 (very interesting as well). They will probably fix this when they wake up, but for now, you can find the keynote here. To save you a click, I’ve embedded the […]
Silverlight 4 available on Thursday, WP7 in a few weeks
Visual Studio 2010 was launched yesterday and I expected full Silverlight 4 support included in the build. Unfortunately, that was not the case – Silverlight 4 was launched today (whatever that means), but it will be available on Thursday, as a separate download. Furthermore, Windows Phone 7 development is not yet supported in Visual Studio […]