Author Archives: domagoj

Gdje ste programeri? Želite li raditi na superzanimljivom projektu?

Nisam puno pisao o novom projektu koji sam pokrenuo s partnerima. Sve je počelo prije više od godinu dana, a do danas je stvar prerasla u firmu, proizvod koji razvijamo dogurao je do bete, a interes za njim pokazala je fascinantna količina ljudi iz cijelog svijeta. Nema više sumnje, stvar ima izuzetno velik potencijal. No, […]


Kako programirati za WP7 iz Hrvatske?

English summary: How to publish Windows Phone 7 applications from Croatia. Kao što već sigurno znate, Windows Phone 7 u Hrvatskoj nije lokaliziran. Ovo “lokaliziran” shvatite vrlo široko – iako se telefoni kod nas mogu kupiti, na njima ne samo da nećete naći hrvatski jezik, već nećete moći niti kupovati aplikacije na Marketplaceu. Ako svoj […]


Prepare for the summer!

Microsoft Croatia made a nice goodie for the summer – IE9 Sun Care, for surfers only. So, there is not much of a story behind this, I just wanted to put this photo on my blog. Yesterday on the Web User Group meeting we have given away 26 of those, so if you see someone […]


CroParking – first WP7 app in Croatian!

Several days ago my CroParking app finally reached the Marketplace and become the first WP7 app in Croatian language. Here is the description: “Simple application for paying parking in all towns in Croatia. Application uses geolocation to determine in which town you are located and offers only available zones. You can save as many cars […]


Aktivnosti na WinDaysima

[English summmary: overview of my activities on WinDays, the biggest Microsoft conference in Croatia] Sutra počinju WinDaysi, vjerojatno najveća domaća IT konferencija, poznata u narodu i kao “proljetni odmor”. Doduše, za ove WinDayse naradio sam se kao nikad prije, tako da sam taj “odmor” i zaslužio, iako ću se odmarati vjerojatno tek od srijede kad […]


Free e-book: Silverlight for Windows Phone

Puja Pramudya from Microsoft Innovation Center in Indonesia has written a e-book about Windows Phone application development. To tell you the truth, I haven’t read it (yet), but it seems quite good, especially for the beginners. Be aware – this is not one of that 20-page e-books, it has more than 150 pages and at […]


Windows Phone 7 besplatan trening u MIC Varaždin

[English summary: announcing Windows phone 7 hands-on-labs in Varaždin] U varaždinskom Microsoft Innovation Centeru održat će se Windows Phone 7 trening. Ovaj dvodnevni trening besplatan je i otvoren za sve, no prednost imaju članovi BizSpark programa. Datumi treninga su 9. i 10. veljače (za nekoliko dana, požurite!), a kroz sve čari razvoja za Windows Phone […]


Windows Phone 7 Accelerometer Test App

Aww, what a title. It’s quite simple, actually. The first thing I’ve done when I got my first WP7 device was testing it’s accelerometer. As you may know, accelerometer cannot be used in emulator (actually, there is a way, but that’s not it – I want to move some hardware around the air and rotating […]


Announcing Silverlight 5

There is not much I can write about next version of Silverlight that hasn’t been written somewhere else, but I feel like I must mention it on my blog, simply because it’s – great! Silverlight 5 was announced on Silverlight Firestarter event on December 2nd by Scott Guthrie himself, with lots of slides as well […]


How to pronounce my name?

Sorry about this, but since a lot of people have problem with this, I need to publish it somewhere, and personal blog seems like a logical choice. I’ll keep it short and simple. My name (Domagoj Pavlešić) should be pronounced as: If this sounds to complicated for you, feel free to call me however you […]