Category Archives: Windows Phone
Giveaway: Three Syncfusion licenses for you
Are you developing for Windows Phone, Windows RT or with ASP.NET MVC? Well, it’s your lucky day! Syncfusion has offered to give away three licenses to – whomever Random gods prefer. Basically, it will go like this: Random rnd = new Random(); List<Participant> participants = LoadParticipants(); foreach (var p in participants) { p.RandomizedPoints = p.Points […]

Speaking at KulenDayz and DevArena
You know that feeling when you have two kids, and someone asks you to pick a favorite. Well, nobody asked me to pick the favorite between these two conferences, so I don’t have to. That’s good, because I could not. KulenDayz (September 13-15th) is organized by my peers from in Osijek, a beautiful city […]
What can you do to make your Windows Phone app more beautiful? Do you need a designer?
Yes, you do. I will not talk here about the importance of the design and platform guidelines. Let’s assume that you’re very well aware of that and how it affects the number of downloads, usage, conversion rate and overall user experience. Hiring a designer can be expensive, especially for indie developers or startups. So you […]
Move your Windows Phone app to another publisher (transfer ownership to different developer account)
Oh, yes – it can be done, although there is no button for it. You have to contact support. I’ve successfully managed to move an app to my other developer account (yes, I have two, don’t ask me why) so I’m sharing my first-hand experience. 1) Sign in to Windows Phone Dev Center with the […]
New WP8 app: View Source with in-app purchase
For all web-developers out there that use Windows Phone – I have a good news. It is not spectacular, but I have made a small utility that enables you to view source code (HTML) of any web page, with syntax highlighted and all that jazz. You can even see a generated source code (the one […]
Giveaway: And the winners are…
Two weeks ago I’ve started a giveaway of five free Nokia Premium Developer Program tokens and today I’ll announce the winners. – Vijaya Malla – for being first to apply– Robert Molloy – for having a wide collection of Nokia phones– Antti Pohjola – for working with C++ on Windows Phone– Matija Stepanić – for […]
Giveaway: Get into Nokia Premium Developer Program – for free!
I’ve blogged about our little Windows Phone developer event in Zagreb, and I have mentioned what great support from Nokia we had. One of the things that we got were vouchers for Nokia Premium Developer Program for Lumia. Nokia Premium Developer Program for Lumia is the best way to start developing for Windows Phone – […]
Windows Phone Dev Event in Zagreb
Last week was a great week for my user group FutureDEV – instead of a regular meeting, we have organized a small event on development for Windows Phone. At first we planned to do just another meeting, with me redelivering my NFC talk from WinDays… But no – I’ve mentioned that to our Nokia Developer […]
Speaking at MS Network in Teslić
Yes, I know, I don’t write enough here – but what can I do? I have such an interesting job I don’t have time to write about it more. I have like ten topics in the pipeline, but… first things first. Next week I’ll be at the MSNetwork conference in Teslić, Bosnia and Herzegovina. I […]
Speaking at Vizija 10 in Skopje, Macedonia
So, I’ll be in Skopje at Vizija next week to talk a bit about Windows Phone. It is a hard thing to do these days, since we don’t know everything about the future version (launching on the Oct 29th), but we are allowed to know enough to make two sessions out of it. Windows Phone […]